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Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 13:32
by Rodney7790
Thank you very much... :D

There are teaser from version 2 with 32 bit grafics and long vehicles.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 17 Jun 2014 13:45
by Phreeze
wow cool :) i'm not using 32bit at all, but if there are more and more new newgrfs, i have to give it a try ;)

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 03 Oct 2014 10:20
by Rodney7790
On bananas you can find uploaded version 1.1 of extra set with two new high speed units.
vrt.PNG (48.23 KiB) Viewed 8170 times

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 01 Oct 2018 10:18
by VencaCZ

Myslíte, že by bylo možné přidat do parametrů grafiky nastavovatelné ceny nákupu a provozu? Používám váš set zároveň s PKP setem a snažím se optimalizovat ceny, bohužel osobní vozy stojí do 100 tisíc korun, kdežto vozy PKP s již upravenými cenami a provozními náklady (porovnáno v rámci lokomotiv) už stojí okolo 0,7 - 1,1 milionu korun, což nám vyhovuje.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 04 Oct 2018 10:56
by Chrill
VencaCZ wrote:Zdravím,

Myslíte, že by bylo možné přidat do parametrů grafiky nastavovatelné ceny nákupu a provozu? Používám váš set zároveň s PKP setem a snažím se optimalizovat ceny, bohužel osobní vozy stojí do 100 tisíc korun, kdežto vozy PKP s již upravenými cenami a provozními náklady (porovnáno v rámci lokomotiv) už stojí okolo 0,7 - 1,1 milionu korun, což nám vyhovuje.
This forum is in English, because it is intended for a global audience. Feel free to discuss in your own languages in PMs, but please update this post to English :)
Google Translate wrote:Hello,

Do you think it could be possible to add adjustable purchase and operating prices to the graphics parameters? I use your set with the PKP set and I try to optimize the prices, unfortunately the cars are worth CZK 100,000, while the PKP cars with already adjusted prices and operating costs (compared to locomotives) already cost around CZK 0.7-1.1 million , which suits us.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 14:43
by Lw25
Is there any way of preventing refits from disappearing? I think there were some now unavailable. Like in 2000s I have no sleeping carriage for CD and I'm sure I had some in the past.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 13 Jul 2019 15:21
by piratescooby
In the settings menu Vehicle never expires on ?
Screenshot 2019-07-13 at 16.20.31.png
(190 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 14 Jul 2019 18:18
by Lw25
piratescooby wrote: 13 Jul 2019 15:21 In the settings menu Vehicle never expires on ?Screenshot 2019-07-13 at 16.20.31.png
Yes, I still have very old locomotives, even from 19th century.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 11 Jan 2020 03:33
by kamnet
Was Czech Railway Set 2.0 ever formally published? Anybody have a copy? It looks like maybe it was posted to Tycoon:ez once but it's no longer available. ... 81b#p59029

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 05 Jan 2023 19:44
by VikCZ
kamnet wrote: 11 Jan 2020 03:33 Was Czech Railway Set 2.0 ever formally published? Anybody have a copy? It looks like maybe it was posted to Tycoon:ez once but it's no longer available. ... 81b#p59029
Hello, after searching for a while I found this video:

and from there i found a copy here: ... MwIJAzZt==

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 05 Jan 2023 23:21
by Argus
The link to the archive doesn't work and the file from seems to work only partially.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 06 Jan 2023 04:35
by Rodney7790
Unfortunately I havent finished the set v2.0 and I am not working on it. There are only available few locos and wagons in pre-release.
But you can use another czech set in 32bpp graphics - CZTR.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 06 Jan 2023 16:22
by Argus
It's quite a shame that it wasn't finished, it looks like CZTR won't be either, the Czech graphics are kind of unlucky :cry: :)

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 22 Jan 2023 15:08
by Steve23
VikCZ wrote: 05 Jan 2023 19:44
kamnet wrote: 11 Jan 2020 03:33 Was Czech Railway Set 2.0 ever formally published? Anybody have a copy? It looks like maybe it was posted to Tycoon:ez once but it's no longer available. ... 81b#p59029
Hello, after searching for a while I found this video:

and from there i found a copy here: ... MwIJAzZt==
In which folder should I put the file (CDset_2.grf)?

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 22 Jan 2023 21:34
by VikCZ
Steve23 wrote: 22 Jan 2023 15:08
VikCZ wrote: 05 Jan 2023 19:44
kamnet wrote: 11 Jan 2020 03:33 Was Czech Railway Set 2.0 ever formally published? Anybody have a copy? It looks like maybe it was posted to Tycoon:ez once but it's no longer available. ... 81b#p59029
Hello, after searching for a while I found this video:

and from there i found a copy here: ... MwIJAzZt==
In which folder should I put the file (CDset_2.grf)?
To OpenTTD folder => .openttd/newgrf/ or .openttd/content_download/newgrf/

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 25 Jan 2023 16:22
by Steve23

Mašinky (lokomotivy a vágonky) od ČD, Leo express, Regiojet.
Jen škoda že to tak rozmazané a neostré.


Moje aktivní grafika

Prosím poradit jak tento problém vyřešit aby byli dokonalé ostré.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 25 Jan 2023 22:07
by VikCZ
Steve23 wrote: 25 Jan 2023 16:22 @VikCz

Mašinky (lokomotivy a vágonky) od ČD, Leo express, Regiojet.
Jen škoda že to tak rozmazané a neostré.


Moje aktivní grafika

Prosím poradit jak tento problém vyřešit aby byli dokonalé ostré.
CZ: Krom toho, že v "Czech railways set 2.0" na který je odkaz k stažení výše (ten podle screenshotů máte) je jen pár lokomotiv / souprav (SC Pendolino a asi 3 další...), tak jsou dvě možnosti, buď máte dvě stejné grafiky (starší a novější, které se navzájem "přebíjejí") ve složce .openttd/newgrf/ (nebo .openttd/content_download/newgrf/) nebo špatně seřazené grafiky přímo ve hře. První zkuste grafiku "Czech railways set 2.0" pomocí tlačítka "Nahoru" posunout až úplně na vrch seznamu grafik a jestli to nepomůže tak musíte zkontrolovat adresář (složku) s grafikami. Tam ale přichází lehký problém, jelikož každý operační systém to má trochu jiné. V Linuxu (který mám já) je to /home/<user>/.openttd/newgrf/ (nebo /home/<user>/.openttd/content_download/newgrf/) a ve Windows je to mám pocit přes nějaké %appdata% nebo tak nějak (kdyžtak mě opravte) a poté stejně (přes .openttd/...). V případě, že se do adresáře dostanete, musíte vymazat starý soubor a nahradit ho novým a poté ve hře v nastavení grafik přidat. Jestli vám ani toto nepomůže, tak opravdu nevím co dál, možná bych vám sem mohl rovnou hodit tutoriál i se screenshotama, ale nevím jestli by to pomohlo.

EN: I think you don't need translation of this comment, because I'm just helping him with problem with the graphics not working, but if you really want to read this I will use Google Translate for a fast translation ... In addition to the fact that in the "Czech railways set 2.0" which is the download link above (the one you have according to the screenshots) there are only a few locomotives / sets (SC Pendolino and about 3 others...), so there are two options, either you have two the same graphics (older and newer ones "overloading") in the .openttd/newgrf/ folder (or .openttd/content_download/newgrf/) or misaligned graphics directly in the game. First try moving the "Czech railways set 2.0" graphic using the "Up" button to the very top of the list of graphics and if that doesn't help, you need to check the directory (folder) with the graphics. But there comes a slight problem, because every the operating system is a little different. On Linux (which I have) it's /home/<user>/.openttd/newgrf/ (or /home/<user>/.openttd/content_download/newgrf/) and on Windows it's via some %appdata% or something like that (please correct me) and then the same (via .openttd/...). In case you get into the directory, you need to delete the old file and replace it with a new one, then add it in the game in the graphics settings. If this doesn't help you either, then I really don't know what to do next, maybe I could throw you a tutorial with screenshots, but I don't know if it would help.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 26 Jan 2023 14:19
by Steve23
Díky za radu ohledně grafiky.
Přebral jsem grafické soubory, upravil jsem si nastavení.

Nyní už všechno funguje jak má.
Viz. obrázky

Ještě jednou fakt moc děkuji. jsem spokojený.
Ještě někde se na netu musím najít
Soupravy (ČD - Regio Panter, City Elefant, Regio Shark, Regio nova, Railjet.),(Leo Express)
Vagonky pro vlaky (RegioJet, Alex)
Lepší semafory (signalizační zařízení) pro železnici.

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 26 Jan 2023 21:49
by VikCZ
Steve23 wrote: 26 Jan 2023 14:19 @VikCz
Díky za radu ohledně grafiky.
Přebral jsem grafické soubory, upravil jsem si nastavení.

Nyní už všechno funguje jak má.
Viz. obrázky

Ještě jednou fakt moc děkuji. jsem spokojený.
Ještě někde se na netu musím najít
Soupravy (ČD - Regio Panter, City Elefant, Regio Shark, Regio nova, Railjet.),(Leo Express)
Vagonky pro vlaky (RegioJet, Alex)
Lepší semafory (signalizační zařízení) pro železnici.
CZ: Jsem rád, že jsem pomohl. :D Co se týče City Elephatnu apod., tak žádný 32bpp ("ostrý") set neznám, možná byste mohl ještě zkusit německý set, odkaz zde:

EN: I'm glad I helped. :D As for City Elephatn etc., I don't know any 32bpp ("sharp") set, maybe you could try the German set, link here: ?t=89578&

Re: Czech Railway set

Posted: 31 Jan 2023 14:16
by Steve23
Rodney7790 wrote: 05 Jun 2013 18:05 This is topic for set of trains used by Czech Railways (ČD). Last set of these trains was introduced few years ago, so I decided to do new one, in my way. There are trains from 1950's to near future.

Locomotives and cars are as long as they are in real. To reduce number of items in depot, there are many refit options. In addition there is also options for Company colours. You can buy almost every type of present Czech vagons, control cars, units and locomotives.

Finally, here it comes full version.




Všechny mašinky (lokomotivy a vagonky) všech českých společnosti (České dráhy, Leo express, Regiojet)
Soupravy (ČD - Regio Panter, City Elefant, Regio Shark, Regio nova, Railjet.),(Leo Express)
Vagonky pro vlaky (RegioJet)

Upravit po grafické stránce a dát jím 32bpp grafiku, aby byli pěkně ostrá.
Například: Viz. obrázek
Děkuji za odpověď.

All machines (locomotives and wagons) of all Czech companies (České dráhy, Leo express, Regiojet)
Sets (ČD - Regio Panter, City Elefant, Regio Shark, Regio nova, Railjet.), (Leo Express)
Coaches for trains (RegioJet)

Edit on the graphics side and give them 32bpp graphics so they are pretty sharp.
For example: See picture
Thank you for answer.