Hosting for forum users

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Hosting for forum users

Post by orudge »

Just in case anyone wasn't aware, hosting is available to forum users for TT/Locomotion-related sites (eg, sites for graphic sets, or simply personal sites of interest to the community). This is free of charge, and you are typically provided with 100MB of space (PHP available, MySQL on request) and a address. If you are interested in this, please send me a PM with a desired username (will form part of your web address) and password, and I can set it up.

If you require hosting for something else (eg, a larger project, a non-TT related project, or a commercial site), Zernebok Hosting (which tt-forums is hosted with) can provide high quality, top value hosting from just £2.50/month or US $3.50/month (with discounts if you pre-pay a year's hosting). For more information, send me a PM or visit
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